AccountEdge Connect and Zapier Help

Zapier allows you to link AccountEdge Connect with thousands of web apps to create custom workflows using your accounting data.

How to get started with AccountEdge Connect and Zapier

Here is a list of Triggers and Actions available with AccountEdge Connect:



Getting started is easy, follow these steps:

Step 1

Sign up for a Zapier account, then log in and select Create Zap from the Dashboard.

Step 2

Define your Trigger (an event that starts your Zap) by Searching apps for AccountEdge and selecting it.

Step 3

Choose an event from the dropdown, for example “Customer” (triggers when a new customer is added). This is what starts the Zap. Select Continue.

Step 4

Select Continue and Sign into AccountEdge.

Step 5

Allow Zapier to access your AccountEdge Account by pasting the App Secret and Access token from AccountEdge Connect.
In AccountEdge Connect, select Welcome>Settings>My Account>Zapier to view your Zapier App Secret Key and Access Token.
You’ll select the icon next to the App Secret Key and Access Token and copy them to your clipboard and paste them into the Zapier window. This is a one-time process for your account, and will permanently connect AccountEdge to Zapier for all your future Zaps. Select Yes, Continue.
Now that your AccountEdge Connect account is connected to Zapier you can test your trigger and create Zaps to help you create new workflows and share data between AccountEdge Connect and thousands of web apps. From your Zapier dashboard you can select AccountEdge from your list of Connections and Test the connection, Reconnect, Edit the connection name, or Delete the connection.

Step 6

Now you are ready to create Actions which is an event a Zap performs after it starts. Select Action and search for the apps to ‘do something’ in. Select an app, for example, Google Sheets.

Step 7

Now select the Action Event you want Google Sheets to perform when the Zap runs.

Now the power of Zapier becomes evident and you can choose an event you want to have happen after your trigger begins.

You will need to sign into the app to give Zapier access, just like you did with AccountEdge Connect when you started. Each apps has its own set up options depending on the app selected.

Be sure to name your Zap at the top of the window for easier access and to turn it on once your satisfied everything is working.

How to Make a Zap

Once your AccountEdge Connect account is integrated with your Zapier account, you can select any other available app when creating a Zap. Here is how to get started:

Select Create Zap from your Zapier Dashboard. The first step is to select the Trigger app, AccountEdge Connect. In the Search apps bar, type in AccountEdge, then select it from the search results.

Next, select your Trigger Event, for example Customer (when a new Customer is added), click Continue. Next, select your AccountEdge Connect Account, then select Continue to Test your trigger. You’ll see some sample data based on the trigger type you selected.

Now select your Action, which is an event a Zap performs after it starts. This is using the App you search for in this window, where the action will take place.

How to integrate Google Sheets with AccountEdge Connect using Zapier

Follow the steps above and type Google Sheets into the Search apps bar to select Sheets for your App event to take place.

Choose an Action Event, which is performed when the Zap runs. You can Create or Update Google Spreadsheet Rows or any of the other Create options.

Next, you’ll have to Sign in to your Google account to allow Zapier to interact with AccountEdge Connect. Click Allow. Next you’ll select your Spreadsheet and the specific Worksheet. Hint: If it doesn’t already exist, you might want to create the Google Sheet before you get to this step.